Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Four Seasons 1

There is a reason for each season. First, I'll begin with winter. Winter is a time when it gets cold and snowy. A time when the young go outside to slide, make angels and some go ice fishing. The old stay inside all bundled up in the warmth of their homes. Isn't it sad that as we grow older we tend to stop doing things like the young people? Our bodies get sensitive to the cold! That's when we know we're getting older! Then comes Spring. Spring is a time when there are new beginnings. New babies, growth, and the regenerization of ourselves happens! People come out of their houses (or woodwork) after the long, dreary winter and become alive again! They wait for the anticipation of new flowers and the budding of trees! People are seen greeting and walking around. Then comes summer. Summer is a time when kids get out of school, barbeques, family vacations, going to the park or beach, bat rides and fishing. The warm air beats against your body and makes you thirsty! The heat seems to dehydrate you. Everyone has smiles on their faces as they're having fun. The sound of the crickets, frogs and loons at night while you sleep. Everything seems so peaceful. As summer winds down then comes fall. Fall is my favorite time of year. Kids go back to school. The beaches and lakes are quiet as the majority of tourists have gone home. You can hear the relaxing sounds of seagulls, beach waves breaking, loons, frogs and crickets. Watching of the changing of the leaves while walking through the rustling of them or the breaking of the waves while the seagulls fly by trying to say something to me. Then I rake the fallen leaves and watch as the kids jump through them while they laugh and have a good time. Oh, how it sends shivers through my spine!! If only I could stop time as I wait for the four seasons to start all over again.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Well, here I go at a second blog. There's only one thing wrong ---- I'm FRUSTRATED!! I feel like a royal dummy as I can't seem to figure this out. Thank God for my wonderful friend and co-worker. She helped me fix it. I'm gonna try another one all by myself about something that I like

1st time blogging

This is my very first time blogging. I'm nervous about doing this as I don't quite understand all the steps. However, I know that once I get it; I'll be doing it quite a bit. This new technology is the way to go!! Besides what is cool is that I can see what others write and they can see/respond to what I write.