Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Three Kitties

I'm writing to you about my three kitties. Their names are "Stripes", "Leo" and "Zeek". They are all males and live inside. "Stripes" is my cat. I got him from a private home at the age of 6 weeks. He was a very friendly and affectionate cat. I don't think he has an ounce of hate in him!! The only time I've ever heard him hiss was when I got my other 2 cats. He is the "KING" of the house and everyone knows it. He's a grey tabby with white paws and stomach. My father taught him how to take a treat out of jar using his paw. He also comes in the shower with me. I thought cats hated water! Then comes "Leo". I got Leo from a coworker at 6 weeks as well as her sister. They could pass as twins. I gave Leo's sister to my friend, who used to live down the hall from me. Leo learned many things from Stripes. However, I give him credit for being a little sly!! He goes to Stripes' favorites spots and parks himself there. He even comes when I call the other cats. He also now comes in the shower and tries to get there before Stripes. It's so funny to watch him! Leo was my eldest son's cat but since he's gone to college; I feel that I've got a second baby!! He sleeps with me and wakes me every morning. Leo is all black with white paws and belly. His tail is deformed. It has a kink in the middle and the end is shaped like a "j". I still love him the way he is even if he's different! I just love his purring!!!! Then along comes "Zeek". Zeek was bought at the pound. We looked and looked at cats but I kept going back to Zeek. My youngest son was with me and he mentioned Zeek. When we tried to take him out of cage; he jumped out of hands and hid under a cart. My son got him out and they immediately bonded because no one can touch Zeek except for him. He sleeps on his bed and talks to him. He doesn't meow!! We can't touch him or pick him up without getting stratched or bitten. My son does anything he wants to him. Zeek actually jumps up on him. I think he's got part tiger in him. He's not normal. He's huge (about 20 or so lbs), all grey with stripes (they look like tiger stripes and not a tabby). He's got wicked short feet, and a long body. He sleeps with his legs straight and never curls like a cat. Anyways, to wrap it all up ---- I love my 3 kitties. I wouldn't give them away for the world!!! I never thought I'd ever get attached to animals!

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